This entire site should be considered NON-Medical in nature!


Hypnosis for male impotence

Perhaps THE most embarrassing problem for a man is the inability to have an erection or perform sexually to conclusion. It can become a source of insecurity and upset for both him and his partner.

People often wonder how hypnosis can help someone with Male Impotence issues. Do they wave a magic wand and suddenly you become Don Juan ready to RISE to the occasion at a moments Notice? Of COURSE NOT!

Hypnosis, NLP and Holistic Sensory Response (tm) techniques are simply ways of accessing the powerful, dynamic helper that is INSIDE OF YOU already- your Unconscious Mind.

Typically people who experience male performance problems have a lot of past learning, upset, fear and insecurity about what their next sexual encounter might be like, and a lot of the hypnotic work is done to get that OUT of their mind and help them focus upon what they really want- Pleasure for them and their partner.

Hypnosis is used with non-medical impotence, that is- Men who experience arousal states during sleep (An easy way to tell, but not replacement for medical examination, is to put a band made from postage stamps around your penis before bed.  If the band is broken in the morning, you are more than likely having normal erections during sleep.) but who seem to fail during sexual performance. It will help them get back their "mojo" and enjoy pleasing their partner AND themselves.

If you are in the Orlando Area, call 407 851 0945 to set up appointments.

If you are far away, you may wish to locate a qualified practitioner of hypnosis in your area, or consider one of these self hypnotic audio programs:

oConquer Male Impotence 6 tapes


o Learn Self Hypnosis 



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