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Hypnosis To Stop Smoking

People often wonder how hypnosis can help someone stop smoking.  Do they "zap you with the hypno beam" and you hate tobacco?  Do they make it impossible for you to light a cigarette?  Does smoke suddenly become repulsive?  NO!!! Of course not!

Hypnosis, NLP and Holistic Sensory Response (tm) techniques are simply ways of accessing the powerful, dynamic helper that is INSIDE OF YOU already- your Unconscious Mind.

The average person will find it relatively easy to go from being a two pack a day smoker to being smoke free in three sessions, Occasionally an optional fourth session will be needed to reinforce the work somewhere down the road.

To stop smoking using hypnosis you will need to WANT to stop and be at a point in your life where it seems valuable to do so TO YOU! That is, you should not be stopping because a family member, society or an ad are telling you to stop, but because YOU want to.

You will be required to do some things and use certain post hypnotic suggestions if you experience a craving in order to make that craving go away.  You should also be prepared to learn about YOURSELF and what need the cigarettes used to fulfill in you.

If you are in the Orlando Area, call 407 851 0945 to set up appointments.

If you are far away, you may wish to locate a qualified practitioner of hypnosis in your area, or consider one of these self hypnotic audio programs:

o Stop Smoking Naturally 3 tapes



o Learn Self Hypnosis 



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