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Hypnosis For Fears And Phobias

People often wonder how hypnosis can help someone cure an old fear or phobia.  Do they "zap you with the hypno beam" and you are a fearless wonder?  Do they make the thing you ran from in terror seems silly and joyful?  Does fear itself simply fade from your mind?  NO!!! Of course not!

Hypnosis, NLP and Holistic Sensory Response (tm) techniques are simply ways of accessing the powerful, dynamic helper that is INSIDE OF YOU already- your Unconscious Mind.

Typically, a fear or phobia is the result of a one time learning in your life.  Some incident or event, usually emotionally charged, that has programmed you to have an instantaneous physical reaction to anything that even REMOTELY reminds you of that fear.

Using hypnosis, HSR and Nlp techniques, we quickly remove the sensitization to that original event and in essence make it "neutral."  By wiping away that one time learning, you still have a MEMORY of the event, without the instantaneous fear reaction. 

In this way, we free you to make a safe, rational decision and evaluate weather your current situation is one in which a fearful warning, followed by APPROPRIATE reaction is called for; or if it is simply something to be shrugged off and ignored.

A person with a phobia of snakes for instance, probably SHOULD react to a cobra with a sense of respect and react to get away from said snake.  On the other hand, seeing an electrical cord on the ground, they should be able to shrug and say to themselves "Oh, that's not a snake."  Often with fears, before the use of hypnosis, the reaction in EITHER of those situations might be terror and even immobility.

If you are in the Orlando Area, call 407 851 0945 to set up appointments.

If you are far away, you may wish to locate a qualified practitioner of hypnosis in your area, or consider one of these self hypnotic audio programs:




o Learn Self Hypnosis 



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