The Stop Smoking Naturally set is a designed to help you explore the consequences of smoking as well as the valid reasons YOU HAVE for being free of smoking. Once you have explored your own smoking habit and developed the proper change solutions through the use of the special booklet and side two of this recording set, you will be TRANCE-formed through the two unique hypnotic audio inductions into the world of the non-smoker.
The process of releasing smoking from your life is not always a pleasant one, and you SHOULD not attempt to use this tape set unless
These self hypnotic recording sets contain similar elements:
Section #1 is entitled “How To Use a Hypnosis Tape.” It will explain what to expect from the process of using a self hypnotic audio recording .
Section # 2 is a Guided Exploration of your desired change. It takes the place of a LIVE OFFICE VISIT and will help you set up your change for MAXIMUM EFFECT from the hypnotic audio recording
Section #3 continues with some of the work booklet and conversational hypnosis you would normally receive in the office and
section#4 is the first hypnotic session.
Section #5 and Section # 6 are unique individual trance sessions which will allow you to access the powerful unconscious portion of your mind, to TRANCE-form your old behaviors into new and more productive thoughts, feelings attitudes and ideas.
Our recordings feature the power of Double Induction Hypno-Stereo and are an experience of comfort and expanded awareness like few others.